The Tools - real change in real time

Phil: Barry, how did you get me roped into this? I’ve told you before, no advertising for restaurants. What is Substack, a pancake place?

It's Phil and Barry here, and we're thrilled you've come across our new way of sharing our work. If you're wondering why two seasoned therapists “to the stars” with a combined 90 years of experience decided to jump into the deep pool of Substack, well, pull up a chair (or a therapy couch, if you prefer), and let's dive in.

Why Substack? Why Now?

Barry:  So Phil, we’re supposed to be talking about our new Substack, whatever that is.

Phil:  Barry, how did you get me roped into this?  I’ve told you before, no advertising for restaurants.  What is Substack, a pancake place?

Barry:  Phil, stop.  Substack is … well, I’m not exactly sure what it is, but we’re going to put out a lot of material on it. 

Phil:  Oh, more material?  We haven’t given enough?  I have to open up a new artery?  Really, when does it end?

Barry:  The modern media machine is a truly voracious beast.  The good news is we’re fucking prolific.  We’re going to give them:

  1. Weekly Insights: We'll delve into core concepts of The Tools, shadow work, and modern psychological insights into accessible wisdom for daily life.

  2. Advice and Recommendations: From time to time, we will answer a subscriber’s question with anecdotes and practical advice.  As well, you will see what books we recommend from our bookshelves for further exploration into your psyche.

  3. Shadow Prompts: These prompts are for getting your hands dirty (metaphorically, of course). We'll share exercises and prompts to help you apply The Tools in your daily life.

  4. Personal Reflections: Once or twice a month, we'll share a more personal post – stories from our own journeys, case studies (with names changed, of course), or reflections on current events through a shadow work lens.

  5. Monthly Q&A: Monthly, we'll host a subscriber Q&A. Bring your insights, challenges, and questions as we collectively work towards greater consciousness.

  6. Community Challenges: Periodically, we will offer paid subscribers a space for exploring a specific aspect of The Shadow together.  

  7. Occasional Surprises: Because who doesn't love a good plot twist? Expect the unexpected – whether it's a guest post from a fellow practitioner, a former or current client, a deep dive into one of The Tools, or maybe even a shadow work meme or two.

A Peek Behind the Curtain

Barry:  I know what you’re thinking.  Shadow work?  Seriously?  You’re going to have us talk to an imaginary friend inside – someone who’s more than a little off-putting?

Phil:  Speak for yourself, Barry.  Your Shadow may be repellant, but the rest of us have perfectly respectable, normal Shadows.  In fact, all the Shadows had a meeting last week and decided to ban your Shadow — just your Shadow — from any future Tools events – we’re just fed up with all that negative energy. 

Barry:  Oh my god, I can’t believe it!  My Shadow has been banned from future Tools events!  What am I going to do?  What would I tell a patient of mine to do?  I'd tell them to view the rejection as forcing them to feel how you’ve made your Shadow feel:  rejected, judged, insecure, and hurt.  Once you acknowledge the hurt, take every opportunity to assuage that hurt.   Feel your Shadow taking in your loving kindness and support.  Now that’s Shadow work!

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Our Promise to You

We're not here to be gurus or to pretend we have all the answers. We're fellow travelers on this journey of self-discovery, and we're still learning every day. What we can promise you is:

  1. Honesty: We'll share our successes, our struggles, and everything in between. No bullshit – just real talk about the messy, beautiful process of growth.

  2. Practical Wisdom: Everything we share will be grounded in psychological research and our clinical experience. But we'll always translate it into practical, actionable tools.

  3. A Judgment-Free Zone: Your shadows are welcome here. This is a space for curiosity, compassion, and growth – not shame or judgment.

  4. A Dash of Humor: Because if you can't laugh at the absurdity of the human psyche sometimes, what's the point?

  5. Community: We're not just writing into the void. We want to foster a community of shadow warriors and The Tools users, supporting and learning from each other.

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Join Us in the Shadows

So, are you ready to embark on this journey of self-discovery? To peek into the corners of your psyche and embrace what you find there? To laugh, cry, grow, and transform?

If so, hit that subscribe button.  Your unconscious awaits, and it's got stories to tell.

Here's to embracing our whole selves, shadow and all.


Phil & Barry

About Phil Stutz and Barry Michels

Phil Stutz is the creator of The Tools® and a renowned psychiatrist with decades of experience helping individuals unlock their full potential. With his coauthor, Barry Michels, he co-wrote the New York Times bestseller The Tools and its sequel, Coming Alive, which offer practical strategies for personal growth and overcoming life's challenges.

Phil graduated from City College in New York and earned his MD from New York University. He completed his psychiatric training at Metropolitan Hospital, where he gained valuable experience working in various psychiatric settings. He began his career as a prison psychiatrist on Rikers Island, an intense and formative environment that shaped much of his future work. After gaining significant expertise in New York City through private practice, Phil relocated to Los Angeles in 1982, where he has been practicing ever since.

In addition to his clinical work, Phil has become a prominent figure in personal development, using his unique tools to empower individuals to break free from self-imposed limitations and live more fulfilling lives. His methods have been adopted by people from all walks of life, including high-performing professionals and creatives.

In 2022, Phil's groundbreaking approach to therapy gained widespread attention through the Netflix documentary Stutz, directed by actor and longtime client Jonah Hill. The film offers an intimate look at Phil's life, work, and innovative therapeutic techniques, providing a deeper understanding of how his methods have helped people, including Hill, navigate mental health challenges. The documentary brought Phil’s tools to a global audience, making his insights more accessible to people seeking transformative change.

With his coauthor, Phil Stutz, Barry Michels wrote the New York Times bestseller The Tools in 2012, and its sequel, Coming Alive, in 2017.

Barry was profiled in the March 21, 2011 issue of The New Yorker (“Hollywood Shadows, A Cure For Blocked Screenwriters,” by Dana Goodyear.). Featured by Joel Stein in Time Magazine, he has also been interviewed by Drew Barrymore, Lawrence O’Donnell, and Charlie Rose, and has appeared on ABC’s Nightline.

He has published numerous articles online in Psychology Today, Salon, and Quora.

Barry has given workshops at a variety of venues, including In goop Health summits in Los Angeles in 2017, in Vancouver in 2018, and in London in 2019. He has given a Google Talk, and has spoken at 20th Century Fox Television, the University Club of Chicago, the Omega Institute, the Writers’ Guild, the 92nd Street Y, and the Endeavor 2019 annual retreat.

Barry received his A.B., magna cum laude, from Harvard College in 1975, his J.D. (law degree) from University of California Berkeley, School of Law (Boalt Hall), in 1979, and his M.S.W. from U.S.C. School of Social Work in 1984.

He maintains a clinical practice in Los Angeles and teaches internationally.

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Unleash your potential with the Tools as developed by “the most sought-after shrinks in Hollwood" Phil Stutz and Barry Michels. Exclusive writings, videos, and community discussions around shadow work, calling upon higher forces, and The Tools.


Referred to as “the most sought-after shrinks in Hollywood” by Lawrence O’Donnell and “an open secret in Hollywood” by The New Yorker, Barry and Phil’s client list boasts top writers, actors, producers, CEOs, and other creatives.